Saturday, September 22, 2012

GetFit Bigfork is a year around, ongoing, interactive community wide fitness promotion. It incorporates a team honor points system featuring the most basic and most popular forms of fitness sports: biking, paddling, running/walking, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing. The bottom line is to get people of all ages and abilities . . . Up, Out and Moving! This is how it works.
TEAMS: It's the glue that keeps individual team members together and motivated. Each team comprises of up to 5 members (one person can be a team) and any age. They can be co-ed, all male or female. Each team selects a team captain, who is responsible for collecting team members points each month, and logging them it. See team registration here.

COMPETE AGAINST YOURSELF at your pace, your schedule, by yourself, or with teammates, wherever you are - even on vacation. In other words the time and miles you normally spend training, or just walking or jogging recreationally, or back and forth to work or school, can now be converted to points, awards and recognition.

PHASES: Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. Each phase is three months long. After each phase, teams may stay intact, form new ones, change teammates, change name, sponsors etc. with each new phase. Points winners and special accomplishments are recognized and published following each Phase.

HONOR SYSTEM: All team members are responsible for logging their own miles and converting them to points and turning them into their team captains each month during the check-in party of each phase. Points standings and photos are posted in Alternatives Magazine website, weekly Enewsletters, plus Facebook, Twitter and sent to all local media sources for publication. In keeping with the spirit of the promotion, "on your honor," means doing the right thing when logging miles and points.

POINTS SYSTEM: Very simple. Points are earned based on miles run/walk, biking, kayaking/canoeing/ paddle boarding in the summer, and cross-country skiing and snowshoeing in the winter and time spent in the gym. The more strenuous, or technical, the activity is, the more points are awarded.

Run/Walk: 5 points per mile
Cycling: 10 points per mile
Paddling: 7 points per mile
Cross-country skiing: 15 points per mile
Snowshoeing: 5 points per mile
Weight or fitness training (gym): 10 points per hour
Team weight loss (optional): 1 point per pound

DOUBLE POINTS can be earned for participating in various special events, such as attending the monthly check-in parties and participating in the pre-party fun run/walk/bike.

This is the heart of promotion. The benefits of local businesses sponsoring a team, or teams, are limitless.

Teams can comprise of corporate businesses, local businesses, schools, clubs, civic organizations and family members. Sponsors can sponsor as many teams as they want. More teams, more exposure. They can be "in-house" or chosen outside the workplace.

From a promotional and marketing point of view, team names are important and it's recommended to use the sponsors corporate or business name followed by a sub-title or slogan. However, zany off-the-wall, names also work, creating attention and exposure.

Teams can be formed within different departments EX. Sales staffs, warehouse, teachers, administration, government departments, medical techs, nursing staff etc.

Sponsors may provide team t-shirts or jackets, displaying the sponsors logo and colors. The more fanfare the more exposure.


The benefits of sponsoring a team is a great way to promote employee camaraderie, fitness attitudes at the work place and an opportunity to showcase your business and your commitment to a fit and healthy environment.

For family or school teams, this is a "fun way" to get involved and learn about the benefits of eating healthy and being fit.

There are also many positive economic, marketing and advertising benefits. Team points leaders are posted each month in Alternatives Magazine website, weekly E-newsletters, plus our Facebook, Twitter accounts and sent to all local and regional media. You can also create your own promotional ideas as the program continues to grow!

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